About Us


"Proof perfect that we learn best by doing it ourselves under the careful guidance of experts."

Roy Douthitt, Blue Ridge School, Cashiers, NC

Dr. Nancy Anderson, President, Interactive Learning Systems, Inc.

Nancy AndersonI earned my degree in Biology at Purdue University and taught at the college level for several years before “retiring” to stay at home with my two children.  I taught at their elementary school for seven years as the Remedial Reading and Math teacher. I began working with computers in 1979, conducting some of the first computer camps for kids with the Durham County 4-H Clubs and the Durham Housing Authority!  I served for several years as the Durham County Schools’ Computer Coordinator before forming my small business, Interactive Learning Systems, Inc. I continue to be an active member of the Durham County Delta Gamma Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society.

I was the MECC (Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium) representative for 10 years, serving NC and SC, delivering educational software under district licenses and conducting workshops for teachers.  Staff development has always been an integral part of my educational service and support to schools.  As ILS has shifted its emphasis to video production and editing, the design of Broadcast Studios, and to HDV technology, training and support continue to be our main priorities!



Dr. Nels Anderson, Associate Professor Emeritus, Duke University Medical Center

Nels AndersonI retired from Duke University Medical Center in 2001 after a 34-year career in basic medical science and teaching. The application of instructional technologies in the design and delivery of instruction has been an interest of mine for many years.

During a sabbatical at the National Library of Medicine, I developed a hypermedia program design model for representing and interactively exploring expert clinical problem solving behavior. ( Medical Center: A Modular Hypermedia Approach to Program Design, in: Sociomedia: Multimedia, Hypermedia and the Social Construction of Knowledge pp 369-389 The MIT Press, 1992 ed. Edward Barrett).

In recent years I have worked with Nancy and Nancy Lynne to develop and present video production and editing workshops. Designing and installing integrated video production and editing studios is also an ongoing interest. We are also expanding our workshops to include: High Definition Video Production and Editing, and DVD Authoring.



Nancy Lynne Anderson, B.S., Event Videographer and Instructor

Nels AndersonNancy Lynne earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Human Development and Family Studies from UNC-Greensboro, concentrating on Early Childhood Education.  She works with Interactive Learning Systems, Inc.  as a workshop instructor, private tutor on video editing, and as a technical support contact for the Casablanca non-linear digital video editors. Nancy Lynne is our designated on-staff Casablanca Champion.

She has formed her own small business, Lynne's Legacy Productions. Her videography services include:  Anniversaries, Family Gatherings, Birth Announcements, Class Reunions, Birthdays, Life Stories, and Tapes to DVD.  Other video requests will be considered after a personal consultation to discuss needs and interests.  She may be contacted at the offices of Interactive Learning Systems, Inc.



AngelinaAngelina is a miniature pinscher mix. She showed up on our door steps 4 years ago. She can do many tricks for her favorite treats and loves to play catch with her favorite toy animals.

She is a big part of the Anderson Family and, on Day 2 of our Video Production-Editing Retreat, she meets and greets the participants!


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